CARTA Committees


Budget Committee:

Formulates the annual budget, monitors the expenditure of CARTA funds, administers any annual funding and/or special appeals to the membership as designated by the Board of Directors, and ensures the trail association’s overall fiscal health and responsibility.
Members:  Sim Middleton, Mary Jane Garcia.


(Strategic Plan Goal 3) Oversees classroom, lecture, photographic, written, and other related academic efforts to promote and teach the public about the history of El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro; educational opportunities also include hikes and tours of trail segments to gain an understanding of the historic route’s archaeology, geography, history, geology, and multiculturalism.
Members: George Cordova, Cynthia Shetter

Goverance Committee: CHAIR: TROY AINSWORTH

Oversees that CARTA’s bylaws are current, responsive to the exigencies confronting the trail association, and amendable; as necessary, the committee periodically reviews the bylaws to ensure their applicability and usefulness, and recommends any amendments to the Executive Committee the Governance Committee is responsible to provide new board member orientation and to periodically review the actions of the Board of Directors to ensure Compliance with the organization’s bylaws.
Members: George Cordova, Kristina Ainsworth and Paul Deason

Historic Preservation Committee: CHAIR: DAVID REYNOLDS

Strategic Plan Goal 5) – Per the objective to “assess, research, and understand threats and remedies related to the trail,” the committee’s emphasis will be to catalog and document historic buildings and sites related to El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, while simultaneously coordinating and collaborating with the Trail Identification Committee to prevent and mitigate potential adverse impacts to buildings, sites, and segments associated with the historic trail corridor.
Members: Mark Howe, Troy Ainsworth

Membership Committee: CHAIR: TROY AINSWORTH

(Strategic Plan Goal Initates and oversees recruitment and maintenance efforts to ensure a stable and growing level of membership; reviews all applications to approve or disapprove for membership; and fosters good relations with other trail associations
Members:  Cynthia Shetter (database), Mark Howe and each member of the board

Nominations Committee: CHAIR: GEORGE CORDOVA

Members: Barbara Kuhn, Baldwin G. Burr


(Strategic Plan Goal 2) – Prepares, revises, and updates, as necessary, the job description for the Association Manager and any other salaried employee, contracted individual, or volunteer, and assists the President in conducting annual performance evaluations of the Association Manager; the Personnel Committee shall assist the Executive Committee with any human resources tasks pertaining to compensated or volunteer employees. 
Members:  Cynthia Shetter, Sim Middleton and Shelley Sutherland

Publications Committee: CHAIR: HILARIO ROMERO

(Strategic Plan Goal 3.3.1) – Oversees the performance of the editors of the association’s newsletter and the Chronicles of the Trail / Crónicas del Camino to ensure high quality, factually accurate articles by collaborating with editors during the production process the Publications Committee shall review and approve all submitted articles prior to their publication in either the newsletter or the Chronicles of the Trail / Crónicas del Camino and shall assign articles for peer review prior to publication, and shall review content on the association’s webpage to ensure accuracy. 
Members:  Paul Deason, Cynthia Shetter, Troy Ainsworth

Strategic Planning Committee: CHAIR: SHELLEY SUTHERLAND

Reviews the trail association’s current Five-Year Strategic Plan and recommends updates to the Board of Directors to monitor the progress achieved during the plan’s existence to measure achievable goals and objectives.
Members: Christina Ainsworth, Hilario  Romero

Trail Identification and Preservation Committee: CHAIR: PAUL DEASON

(Strategic Plan Goal 4.2.3) – Conducts fieldwork to identify various segments and braids of the historic trail in order to contribute to the overall knowledge of the route and assist association’s Federal partners to protect such segments and the buildings and sites associated with the Camino Real between San Elizario, Texas, and Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo north of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Members: David Love